
Immune system molecule with hidden talents

Dendritic cells, or DCs for short, perform a vital role for the immune system: They engulf pathogens, break them down into their component parts, and then display the pieces on their surface. This in turn signals other immune ...

Medical research

Wnt5a protein critical to gut lining repair

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a protein essential to repairing the intestine's inner lining.


Scientists discover a ‘handbrake’ for MS

(Medical Xpress) -- The progression of the debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS) could be slowed or even halted by blocking a protein that contributes to nerve damage, according to a new study.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New Alzheimer's marker strongly predicts mental decline

A new marker of Alzheimer's disease can predict how rapidly a patient's memory and other mental abilities will decline after the disorder is diagnosed, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis ...


A new cat in adulthood can up your allergy risk

(Medical Xpress) -- According to a new study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, getting a cat for the first time as an adult can nearly double your chances of developing allergies to the cat dander.

Medical research

Intestine crucial to function of immune cells, research shows

Researchers at the University of Toronto have found an explanation for how the intestinal tract influences a key component of the immune system to prevent infection, offering a potential clue to the cause of autoimmune disorders ...

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