Health informatics

Taking steps towards emissions reduction in health care

Monash University experts, along with an international group of researchers, have highlighted the need to accurately identify the carbon footprint of digital health interventions to help move towards more environmentally ...


Climate change: Is it time to say goodbye to inhaled anesthesia?

A review presented at this year's Euroanesthesia Congress will address the environmental impact of inhaled anesthetic agents and how we can and should manage without them—or at least massively reduce their use. The presentation ...


The weight of nations: An estimation of adult human biomass

The world population is over seven billion and all of these people need feeding. However, the energy requirement of a species depends not only on numbers but on its average mass. New research published in BioMed Central's ...

Medical economics

Medicare urged to flex its power and slash back premium hike

The head of a Senate panel that oversees Medicare says the Biden administration should use its legal authority to cut back a hefty premium increase soon hitting millions of enrollees, as a growing number of Democratic lawmakers ...