Biomedical technology

The race to link our brains to computers is hotting up

Brain implants have long been trapped in the realm of science fiction, but a steady trickle of medical trials suggests the tiny devices could play a big part in humanity's future.

Biomedical technology

ALS patient pioneering brain-computer connection

As a rare form of Lou Gehrig's disease paralyzes his body, Rodney Gorham hopes a pioneering link between his brain and a computer will help others after he is gone.


Researchers reverse hearing loss in mice

New research from The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London has successfully reversed hearing loss in mice.


Computational modeling could improve knee implant alignment

A Texas A&M University doctoral student has collaborated with an innovative surgical navigation and robotics company on motion capture research that can potentially improve implant alignment during knee replacement surgeries.


AI-supercharged neurotech threatens mental privacy: UNESCO

The combination of "warp speed" advances in neurotechnology, such as brain implants or scans that can increasingly peek inside minds, and artificial intelligence poses a threat to mental privacy, UNESCO warned on Thursday.

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