
Why does my breath smell bad, and what can I do about it?

Most of us can't smell our own breath. If someone bravely informs you your breath smells, believe them, and do something about it. Or if you are worried you have bad breath, seek out a trusted opinion.


Pricey dental implants often best but insurance rarely pays

Dental implants are increasingly being used to replace missing or failing teeth instead of dentures or bridges, which can be uncomfortable and hasten further deterioration. But implants can be very expensive and rarely are ...


Silicones may lead to cell death

Silicone molecules from breast implants can initiate processes in human cells that lead to cell death. Researchers from Radboud University have demonstrated this in a new study published on 12 June in Scientific Reports. ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

New technique for repairing knee cartilage damage

Dear Mayo Clinic: I'm interested in the new procedure approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that can repair cartilage in the knee. How does it work? Who's a good candidate for this procedure?

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