Psychology & Psychiatry

Heat takes its toll on mental health

Hot days increase the probability that an average adult in the U.S. will report bad mental health, according to a study published March 25, 2020 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Mengyao Li of the University of Georgia, ...


Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age

Many people dream of comfortably living out their golden years. A new IIASA study, however, shows that older Europeans, and especially women, frequently underestimate how many years they have left, which could lead to costly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What features make text-based counseling effective?

A fascinating new study has shown that the duration of a text-based counseling session, the length of the counselor's messages, and quick response time by the counselor are important factors in determining the impact of counseling. ...


Alarmingly low rates of HIV testing among at-risk teenage boys

The majority of teenage boys most at risk for developing HIV are not being tested for the disease, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. This lack of testing feeds the growing epidemic of undiagnosed HIV infections in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More than one in 10 deployed soldiers thinks about suicide

(HealthDay)—Major depressive disorder (MDD) and noncombat trauma are important factors tied to suicide ideation (SI) risk during combat deployment, according to a study published online Jan. 29 in JAMA Network Open.

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