
Death literacy: Why it's important to talk about dying

When it comes to talking about death, we have no shortage of euphemisms. This is perhaps most famously illustrated in Monty Python's dead parrot sketch from 1971. A pet shop worker insists to a customer that his new parrot ...


Stress less – it might protect you from COVID

While stress has always been around, in 2021, it has seemed utterly inescapable. Between the stress of family possibly getting very ill, increased care responsibilities, perpetual concern about lost income, the pain of social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Two heads are not always better than one

(Medical Xpress) -- From the corporate boardroom to the kitchen table, important decisions are often made in collaboration. But are two—or three or five—heads better than one? Not always, according to new research ...


Root canal work not so bad after all

Root canal work is not as bad as people think when compared to other dental procedures. Self-reporting of their dental health suggests that patients find the procedure no worse than other dental work which overturns the popular ...


Is Night Shift really helping you sleep better?

How often have you laid in bed scrolling through news stories, social media or responding to a text? After staring at the screen, have you ever found that it is harder to fall asleep?

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