
How desk jobs alter your brain—and why they're so tiring

A long day in the office can leave you empty of energy and overcome with desire for TV and a takeaway. But you've been sitting down all day. So why do you feel as tired as your friends who have physical jobs?


Your mind wanders because your brain whispers

You are sitting in a meeting at work and your mind starts to wander to another place. Suddenly, you realize that the person leading the meeting has asked you a question that you have not heard. Why does this happen?


New research throws doubt on old ideas of how hearing works

The way in which we experience music and speech differs from what has until now been believed. This is the conclusion of a study by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, and the Oregon Health and Science University, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new understanding of the neurobiology of impulsivity

While not all impulsive behavior speaks of mental illness, a wide range of mental health disorders which often emerge in adolescence, including depression and substance abuse, have been linked to impulsivity. So, finding ...

Attention deficit disorders

Study finds white children more likely to be overdiagnosed for ADHD

A new study led by Paul Morgan, Harry and Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow and professor of education (educational theory and policy) and demography, and published in the Journal of Learning Disabilities, examines which sociodemographic ...


New diagnostic option for rare eye disease

An estimated 5 to 10% of blindness worldwide is caused by the rare inflammatory eye disease uveitis. Posterior uveitis in particular is often associated with severe disease progression and the need for immunosuppressive therapy. ...


Protein 'traffic jam' in neurons linked to neurodegeneration

Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are associated with atypical proteins that form tangles in the brain, killing neurons. Neurobiologists at EPFL have now identified some key mechanisms ...

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