
Study finds chronic alcohol use shifts brain's control of behavior

(Medical Xpress)—Chronic alcohol exposure leads to brain adaptations that shift behavior control away from an area of the brain involved in complex decision-making and toward a region associated with habit formation, according ...


Learning requires rhythmical activity of neurons

The hippocampus represents an important brain structure for learning. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich discovered how it filters electrical neuronal signals through an input and output control, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain network of psychopathic criminal functions differently

A strong focus on reward combined with a lack of self-control appears to be linked to the tendency to commit an offence. Brain scans show that this combination occurs in psychopathic criminals, say researchers from Nijmegen ...


Nerve-on-a-chip platform makes neuroprosthetics more effective

EPFL scientists have developed a miniaturized electronic platform for the stimulation and recording of peripheral nerve fibers on a chip. By modulating and rapidly recording nerve activity with a high signal-to-noise ratio, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Markers of inflammation in the blood linked to aggressive behaviors

People with intermittent explosive disorder—a psychiatric illness characterized by impulsivity, hostility and recurrent aggressive outbursts—have elevated levels of two markers of systemic inflammation in their blood, ...

Medical research

Noncoding RNA may promote Alzheimer's disease

Researchers pinpoint a small RNA that spurs cells to manufacture a particular splice variant of a key neuronal protein, potentially promoting Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other types of neurodegeneration. The study appears ...

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