Psychology & Psychiatry

Gratitude—'A vaccine against impulsiveness'

What small thing are you grateful for today? Me? I am grateful that David DeSteno, professor of psychology in the College of Science, agreed to postpone our interview on Tuesday about his new paper because I wasn't feeling ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxytocin nasal spray improves self-control in overweight men

A single dose of oxytocin nasal spray, known to reduce food intake, decreases impulsive behavior in overweight and obese men, according to a preliminary study to be presented Saturday at the Endocrine Society's 98th annual ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Guanfacine shown safe and effective in autism treatment

Several different drugs are used for reducing hyperactivity and impulsive behavior in children, but most of these medications have not been well-studied in autism spectrum disorder. In a new article in the American Journal ...


Feeling impulsive or frustrated? Take a nap

Taking a nap may be an effective strategy to counteract impulsive behavior and to boost tolerance for frustration, according to a University of Michigan study.


Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D may control brain serotonin

Although essential marine omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D have been shown to improve cognitive function and behavior in the context of certain brain disorders, the underlying mechanism has been unclear. In a new paper published ...

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