Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood empathy important predictor of aggression

Young children who are less empathetic than their peers are more likely to be aggressive when older. This is what Malou Noten concludes in her dissertation. Ph.D. defense on 25 November.


Myelin optimizes information processing in the brain

In a conversation, we can easily understand and distinguish individual words. In the brain, the temporal structure of speech with its rapid succession of sounds and pauses and its characteristic rhythm is encoded by electrical ...


Testing the fluorescent proteins that light up the brain

Neurons are cells in your brain. Shaped like little stars, they flicker and fire off signals to each other. The signals travel up and down the long tendrils, called dendrites, extending out from each point of a neuron's star-shaped ...


New mechanism affecting nerve impulses discovered

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have discovered a new mechanism by which substances can open a certain type of ion channel and thereby regulate nerve impulses. The study, published in the scientific journal ...


Inhibiting epileptic activity in the brain

Epileptic seizures often originate in small, localized areas of the brain where neurons abnormally fire in unison. These electrical impulses disrupt proper brain functioning and cause seizures. But what makes regions where ...

Attention deficit disorders

Q&A: Diagnosing ADHD

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am mom to two energetic boys, ages 5 and 8. A neighbor commented that my children must have ADHD. What is ADHD exactly and how do I tell the difference between a kid who just has a ton of energy and one ...

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