Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover molecule that kills pancreatic cancer cells

A research team led by scientists at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center has discovered a molecule that inhibits the growth and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells through the iron metabolism pathway. Their findings, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Incurable cancer: Patients need palliative care support early on

So far, there has been little research into supportive care needs in patients with newly diagnosed incurable cancer and as their disease progresses. That is why experts from the German Cancer Society's working group on palliative ...

Oncology & Cancer

Improving breast cancer treatment

Millions of patients with incurable breast cancer could benefit from Welsh-led research which shows it is possible to control the cancer for twice as long by combing an investigational therapy with standard treatment.

Oncology & Cancer

The gene behind follicular lymphoma

Follicular lymphoma is an incurable cancer that affects over 200,000 people worldwide every year. A form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, follicular lymphoma develops when the body starts making abnormal B-cells, which are white ...

Oncology & Cancer

Giving children a voice in clinical trials

Children as young as 8 years old with incurable cancer can reliably characterize the impact an experimental therapy has on their symptoms and quality of life - even at the earliest stages of drug development - making self-reported ...

Oncology & Cancer

Oncologists need to better discuss patient life expectancy

Despite their nearness to death, a sizeable proportion of advanced cancer patients remain unaware of basic information about their illness or its treatment, researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine report. Reviewing test results ...

Oncology & Cancer

Patients with advanced, incurable cancer denied palliative care

Many patients with advanced, incurable cancer do not receive any palliative care, reveals new research to be presented later this month at the ESMO 2014 Congress in Madrid, Spain, 26-30 September. The findings are astonishing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Do-not-resuscitate: The benefits of an early decision

Providing information about do-not-resuscitate instructions to terminally ill patients leads to fewer of them dying in a hospital environment, a University of Sydney study has found.

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