
A cellular symphony responsible for autoimmune disease

Broad core member Aviv Regev thinks about the immune system as if it were an orchestra: "Some instruments need to play strong, others need to pull back or push forward. It all has to form a harmony and this harmony changes ...

Medical research

Mini-intestine grown in a test tube for nutritional research

The ability to grow three-dimensional precursors of an organ from stem cells in a Petri dish has brought about a revolution in the field of biomedicine. But exactly what can be researched on such an organoid in vitro? A team ...


Nanotechnology could spur new heart treatment

A new nanoparticle developed by University of Michigan researchers could be the key to a targeted therapy for cardiac arrhythmia, a condition that causes the heart to beat erratically and can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Oncology & Cancer

Video: Finding the key to cancer metastasis

The capacity of cancer cells to spread throughout the body and invade new tissues — to become metastatic — makes them deadly. What makes metastatic cells different?

Medical research

Building human breast tissue, cell by cell

The next frontier in developing therapies for cancer and other diseases could come through studying organ development or tumor growth in living humans. Problem is, there's no ethical way of doing that using current technology.

Medical research

Why obesity predisposes to severe respiratory failure

The lungs of seven percent of all intensive care unit patients will fill up with fluid causing a 30 to 50 percent chance of death from a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This syndrome has few options ...

Oncology & Cancer

What makes cancer cells spread? New device offers clues

Why do some cancer cells break away from a tumor and travel to distant parts of the body? A team of oncologists and engineers from the University of Michigan teamed up to help understand this crucial question.

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