Medical research

New discovery explains how the prostate gland regenerates itself

The standard treatment for men with advanced prostate cancer is androgen-deprivation therapy. Androgens are hormones that fuel prostate cell growth; removing them with either drugs or surgery causes the prostate gland to ...

Medical research

Muscle stem cells compiled in 'atlas'

Muscle repair is a crowded, complicated business. Many different types of cells are bumping around, chattering and trying to coordinate with each other as they work to regenerate new tissue.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers study role culture plays in feeling sick

The physical and mental sensations we associate with feeling sick are a natural biological response to inflammation within the body. However, the strength and severity of these sensations go beyond biology and may be affected ...

Oncology & Cancer

New technique allows scientists to 'listen in' on cancer cells

Scientists have a developed a new technique to decipher how millions of individual cells are communicating with each other in miniature tumours grown in the lab, known as organoids, according to new research published in ...

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