Medical research

Startup releases AI app to detect Parkinson's disease

A South Australia startup, Lookinglass, based at UniSA's Innovation & Collaboration Centre has today released an artificial intelligence (AI) web app that can detect early-stage Parkinson's disease.


3-D printed baby dummy for better resuscitation training

TU/e researcher Mark Thielen (Industrial Design) developed a 3-D printed baby dummy, based on an MRI scan of a real newborn baby, which could improve the training of the reanimation procedure.


Bambi-belt to be tested in 8 hospitals around the Netherlands

The Bambi-belt is an invention of Sidarto Bambang Oetomo, a paediatrician at Maxima Medisch Centrum and professor at the department of Industrial Design. Together with his son Fabio, the Bambi-belt is developed to overcome ...


Testing the role of meat consumption in cardiovascular disease

In February 1977, in the midst of a heart disease epidemic, a U.S. senate select committee encouraged people to eat less meat. Within the year, however, possibly due to pressure from the meat industry, the committee shifted ...

Oncology & Cancer

Photographic protocol developed to plan breast cancer surgeries

Breast cancer is most common among women: More than half a million new cases were detected in the European Union in 2018. Surgery and breast reconstruction are part of the treatment in a high percentage of cases, by way of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Lung cancer trials supported by drug industry stronger

Lung cancer clinical trials supported by the pharmaceutical industry demonstrate no more bias compared to studies funded by other sources, according to a study published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, the official journal ...

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