
Researchers report underdiagnosis of snoring babies

Babies who snore are widely under diagnosed according to Australian researchers investigating less costly and more effective methods of identifying sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) in infants.


Magazine, Internet images fail to promote infant sleep safety

Images of infants sleeping in unsafe environments are pervasive in women's magazines and on stock photo websites, which could create confusion among parents and put babies at risk, according to a study to be presented Saturday, ...


Infants create new knowledge while sleeping

There is no rest for a baby's brain – not even in sleep. While infants sleep they are reprocessing what they have learned. Working with researchers from the University of Tübingen, scientists from the Max Planck Institute ...


Helping parents understand infant sleep patterns

Most parents are not surprised by the irregularity of a newborn infant's sleep patterns, but by six months or so many parents wonder if something is wrong with their baby or their sleeping arrangements if the baby is not ...


Preventing sudden infant death from unsafe sleep environments

Pediatricians are advocating for safe infant sleep practices, concerned by too many sudden unexplained infant deaths in recent years and a rise in bed-sharing among families with infants. According to UMass Medical School ...

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