Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children find a parent's hug more calming than a stranger's

For infants as young as four months, a hug from a parent makes all the difference. A study appearing April 7 in the journal iScience examined heart rate responses in infants less than one year old during a hug and found that ...

Medical research

New genetic link found for some forms of SIDS

A genetic link has now been found for some instances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. The new UW Medicine research study is the first to make an explainable link tracking the mechanism between a genetic anomaly and ...


Immunity boost for preterm babies

New Murdoch University-led research has revealed a potential way to better preserve the biological activity of bovine colostrum—the first milk from cows—so it can be used as a supplement for vulnerable preterm infants ...

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