
Scientists may have a way to let preemies breath easier

The continuing epidemic of pre-term births includes this stark reality: tiny, fragile babies are born with underdeveloped lungs and prone to lifelong respiratory infections and related chronic illnesses.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Babies are spared severe COVID-19 symptoms

Infants can become infected with the new coronavirus, but their bouts with COVID-19 appear to be milder than those of older folks and people with chronic health problems, experts say.


Using infrared eye tracking to study infant behavior

A new study from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology describes how existing infrared technology can be adapted to measure recognition memory and other cognitive outcomes in infants.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New insights on infant word learning reported in study

A lot is unknown about how infants begin to connect names with objects, a critical skill for later language development. A new study by Indiana University researchers offers a fresh perspective on how infants reach this milestone ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Vaccination of mother also protects the unborn baby

The risk of getting COVID-19 is lower in the first four months of life if the mother is vaccinated during pregnancy. This is shown by a new study from the Center for Fertility and Health at the Norwegian Institute of Public ...

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