Medical research

New target for COVID-19 vaccines identified

Next generation vaccines for COVID-19 should aim to induce an immune response against 'replication proteins', essential for the very earliest stages of the viral cycle, concludes new research carried out by UCL scientists.

Medical research

It takes cellular teamwork to heal the intestine

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have uncovered a more detailed picture of how the intestinal epithelium—the lining of the intestines—heals itself after infection with rotavirus. A meticulous single-cell analytical ...


Investigating mechanisms behind early HIV-1 infection

Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered that a microtubule regulatory protein inhibits early HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection, according to findings published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Treatment strategy may lead to HIV cure

Armed with a novel strategy they developed for bolstering the body's immune response, scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine have successfully suppressed HIV infections in mice—offering a path to a functional ...


A drug cocktail stops SARS-CoV-2 infection of stem cells

The COVID-19 vaccine is just one example of the rapid and global effort to stopping the pandemic. Drugs too are being developed. A new study by CiRA researchers shows that the combination of two drugs halts the infection ...

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