Medical research

Study identifies four major subtypes of long COVID

The post-COVID syndrome known as long COVID has four major subtypes defined by different clusters of symptoms, according to a study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chilean soapbark tree may hold key to reducing rotavirus deaths

A natural additive used to make foam in soft drinks also may help prevent the sometimes-deadly rotavirus infection in children or reduce its severity, a University of Texas at Arlington biology professor says in a research ...


Scientists pinpoint new mechanism that impacts HIV infection

A team of scientists led by Texas Biomed's Assistant Professor Smita Kulkarni, Ph.D. and Mary Carrington, Ph.D., at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, published results of a study that pinpointed a long ...

Medical research

A potential new target to treat HIV infection

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, in collaboration with researchers at the National Institutes of Health, report that two new studies in mice with a humanized immune system and human cell lines have identified an enzyme ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Promising MERS coronavirus vaccine trial in humans

Researchers at the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have reported on a safety trial of a promising vaccine for MERS coronavirus. According to their study, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, vaccination ...

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