Medical research

Lab vaccine shields mice against Zika virus

Antibodies drawn from a patient infected with Zika could form the basis of a vaccine against the notorious virus, a new animal study suggests.


Scientists outline stategy for AIDS cure

Calling the AIDS epidemic "the most important global health challenge in modern history," more than 50 top scientists pressed their case Monday for a drive to stop the killer disease in its tracks.


HVTN 505 vaccine induced antibodies nonspecific for HIV

A study by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Duke University helps explain why the candidate vaccine used in the HVTN 505 clinical trial was not protective against HIV infection ...


Stem cell gene therapy holds promise for eliminating HIV infection

cientists at the UCLA Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research are one step closer to engineering a tool that could one day arm the body's immune system to fight HIV—and win. The new technique ...

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