Inflammatory disorders

Blood test accurately detects lymphedema, study shows

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine have identified a set of proteins circulating in blood whose levels accurately flag the presence of lymphedema. The findings, to be reported Dec. 18 in PLoS ONE, spur ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research revelation could shape future long-term treatment of asthma

A new study reveals that the progressive loss of lung function in asthma sufferers could be entirely independent of the effects of inflammation. The findings have significant implications for the long-term treatment of asthma.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

An age old cure

The answer to treating painful arthritis could lie in an age old herbal remedy - frankincense, according to University research.


Curb your immune enthusiasm

Normally when we think of viruses, from the common cold to HIV, we want to boost people's immunity to fight them. But for scientists who develop therapeutic viruses (to, for example, target cancer cells or correct gene deficiencies) ...

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