
Gum inflammation parallels novel 'cytokine score'

Researchers at NYU College of Dentistry have developed a single score to describe the level of cytokines in saliva, and this score is linked with the severity of clinical gum inflammation, according to a study published in ...


Creating organoids with immune systems

In many ways, our intestines serve as the front gate between our bodies and the world around us. They help digest our food and absorb our medications. They send alarm signals when harmful bacteria, viruses, and allergens ...


Researchers map brain cell changes in Alzheimer's disease

A common sign of Alzheimer's disease is the excessive buildup of two types of protein in the brain: tangles of tau proteins that accumulate inside cells, and amyloid-β proteins that form plaques outside the cells. Researchers ...


Why arteriosclerosis looks like an autoimmune disease

Arteriosclerosis bears great similarities to autoimmune diseases. Researchers from Leiden University show this in a new study they published in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research. "This discovery suggests that treatment ...


Exploring genetic regulation of immunoglobulin A

Increased levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA) are correlated with the manifestation of several diseases as well as African ancestry, according to findings published in Nature Communications. The findings provide ...

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