
Tips and techniques for reducing muscle soreness

When you try a new exercise, lift heavier weights or run steeper hills, muscles experience strain and micro-tearing at the cellular level. This leaves your muscles sore. Foam rolling, stretching and foods with anti-inflammatory ...


Vagus nerve stimulation promising in Crohn's disease

(HealthDay)—Vagus nerve stimulation may represent a new therapeutic option for patients with Crohn's disease (CD), according to a report published online April 18 in the Journal of Internal Medicine.


Ivermectin has topical anti-inflammatory properties

(HealthDay)—Ivermectin (IVM) has anti-inflammatory properties that could be beneficial in treatment of T-cell mediated skin inflammatory diseases, according to an experimental study published online Jan. 4 in Allergy.


Guarana found to have higher antioxidant potential than green tea

The millions of people who consume green tea all over the world benefit from the catechins it contains. Catechins are a class of chemical compounds with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, among other healthy ingredients. ...

Medical research

Building better brain implants: The challenge of longevity

On August 20, JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments will publish a technique from the Capadona Lab at Case Western Reserve University to accommodate two challenges inherent in brain-implantation technology, gauging ...

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