
What we don't know about prenatal opioid exposure

Pregnancy can be a time of anxious uncertainty, particularly if there are any risks of complications. The question always arises, from parents, grandparents, friends and others: "Will the baby be OK?"


Peers' genes may help friends stay in school, new study finds

While there's scientific evidence to suggest that your genes have something to do with how far you'll go in school, new research by a team from Stanford and elsewhere says the DNA of your classmates also plays a role.


Study reveals an ancient Achilles heel in the human genome

In a major study published today, researchers at deCODE genetics use whole-genome data from 14,000 people from across the population of Iceland, including 1500 sets of parents and children, to provide the most detailed portrait ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding how persuasion works can make consumers more savvy

When someone offers a free sample, it's not really free. It comes with the implied expectation that if a person accepts it, he or she will feel obligated to return the favor and eventually pay for the full product. That's ...


Online media use shows strong genetic influence

Online media use such as social networking and gaming could be strongly influenced by our genes, according to a new study by researchers from King's College London.

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