Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers develop experimental mRNA avian flu vaccine

An experimental mRNA vaccine against avian influenza virus H5N1 is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in preclinical models. The vaccine could potentially help manage the outbreak of the H5N1 virus currently ...

Medical research

Drug-like inhibitor shows promise in preventing flu

Currently available flu medications only target the virus after it has already established an infection, but what if a drug could prevent infection in the first place? Now, scientists at Scripps Research and the Albert Einstein ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Girl in Australia, 2, struck with H5N1 bird flu: WHO

A two-and-a-half-year-old girl tested positive for H5N1 bird flu and needed hospital intensive care treatment in Australia after traveling to India, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Vigilance needed to avert spread of bird flu to humans

Health experts are calling for tighter biosecurity measures in global poultry production, from farms to markets, to monitor bird flu (avian influenza) following its spread among dairy cows in the United States.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Setting sights on universal protection for flu

Immunology and Infectious Disease Researcher and Senior Lecturer Dr. Hillary Vanderven is working against the clock with World Health Organization (WHO) experts reporting the next flu pandemic is a matter of when, not if.

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Influenzavirus A Influenzavirus B Influenzavirus C Isavirus Thogotovirus

The Orthomyxoviridae (orthos, Greek for "straight"; myxa, Greek for "mucus") are a family of RNA viruses that includes five genera: Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B, Influenzavirus C, Isavirus and Thogotovirus. The first three genera contain viruses that cause influenza in vertebrates, including birds (see also avian influenza), humans, and other mammals. Isaviruses infect salmon; thogotoviruses infect vertebrates and invertebrates, such as mosquitoes and sea lice.

The three genera of Influenzavirus, which are identified by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein infect vertebrates as follows:

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