
A map of the brain can tell what you're reading

Too busy or lazy to read Melville's Moby Dick or Tolstoy's Anna Karenina? That's OK. Whether you read the classics, or listen to them instead, the same cognitive and emotional parts of the brain are likely to be stimulated. ...


Brain waves behind indecisiveness

Some people find it difficult to make decisions. In a new study, neuroeconomists from the University of Zurich now reveal that the intensity of the communication between different regions of the brain dictates whether we ...


Anxiety is not overcome in the brain's fear center

Scientists from the Center for Brain Research at MedUni Vienna are investigating how anxiety is processed and the flow of information in the brain in general: In a study, which has now been published in the leading magazine ...


How the brain handles the complexity of chewing

You bite into an apple, you chew, the flavors flood your mouth, you swallow, and then you do it all over again. Eating is so effortless that you can do it while chatting, reading, watching TV, walking, working…


Breakthrough tech enables seizure localization in minutes

Fresh techniques to aid seizure diagnosis and surgical planning stand to benefit millions of epilepsy patients, but the path to progress has been slow and challenging. New research from Carnegie Mellon University's Bin He ...

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