Health informatics

What happens if your medical records are incomplete?

Your entire medical journey lives in digital health records, but how do you know if those records are wrong, incomplete or missing important information? That's the focus of research done by Varadraj Gurupur, associate professor ...


Researchers delve deep into the genetics of addiction

Danielle Dick, a professor of psychiatry at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School who leads the Rutgers Addiction Research Center, has spent decades hunting genes that contribute to drug and alcohol addiction.


Scientists warn of misleading nutrition advice on TikTok

A growing body of research supports the Mediterranean diet as a healthy eating pattern that helps to prevent heart disease and other chronic health conditions. But a new study reveals that people browsing the popular social ...


Quantifying the live microbes on your plate

Many have hypothesized that bacteria and other "friendly" live microorganisms consumed through the diet can play an important role in health. Reduction in dietary microbe consumption has likely contributed to an "impoverished" ...

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