Oncology & Cancer

Education level, social media skills linked to cancer fatalism

More educated people who are skilled at finding reliable information through social media don't always see cancer as fatal while those with less schooling and social media awareness hold more fatalistic beliefs about the ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

AI insights predict disease a decade in advance

Scientists using cutting-edge AI to analyze medical data have been able to predict a person's risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's and heart disease up to 10 years before a diagnosis. For the study, published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does organizing your page help organize your mind?

If you have ever wondered how you manage to keep track of the immense amount of information coming to you each day, you might want to thank the positional tagging system in your mind.

Health informatics

AI-assisted model improves diagnosis of solid lesions in pancreas

A joint artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted model integrating clinical information and endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) images improves diagnosis of solid lesions in the pancreas, according to a study published online ...

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