Medical research

Lymphatic fluid takes detour

When tumours metastasise, they can block lymphatic vessels, as researchers from ETH Zurich have discovered using a new method. The lymphatic fluid subsequently has to find a new path through the tissue. Such "detours" could ...


New technology shows diabetes

A new imaging method for the study of insulin-producing cells in diabetes among other uses is now being presented by a group of researchers at UmeƄ University in Sweden in the form of a video in the biomedical video journal, ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New hope for eyes damaged by Parkinson's disease

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists have discovered a new avenue for the treatment of vision loss, one of the complications of Parkinson's disease.


Near infrared fluorescence lights up hidden blood clots

Research presented at SNM's 58th Annual Meeting may mark the expansion of a novel imaging agent for an optical technique called near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF), which uses light energy to glean information about cells and ...

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