
Deciphering the emergence of neuronal diversity

The development of the cerebral cortex played a major role in the evolution of mankind. Scientists are now studying the emergence of its cellular microstructure with high resolution methods. Neuroscientists at the University ...


Balancing connections for proper brain function

Neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy involve an imbalance between two types of synapses in the brain: excitatory synapses that release the neurotransmitter glutamate, and inhibitory synapses ...


Super-clear synapses at super resolutions

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) in Japan have developed a way to obtain super-resolution 3-D images of delicate structures deep in the brain. Published in Cell Reports, the work describes a ...


Researchers model how neurons work together

A newly-developed, highly accurate representation of the way in which neurons behave when performing movements such as reaching could not only enhance understanding of the complex dynamics at work in the brain, but aid in ...

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