
How the brain dials up the volume to hear someone in a crowd

Our brains have a remarkable ability to pick out one voice from among many. Now, a team of Columbia University neuroengineers has uncovered the steps that take place in the brain to make this feat possible. Today's discovery ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sound deprivation in one ear leads to speech recognition difficulties

Chronic conductive hearing loss, which can result from middle-ear infections, has been linked to speech recognition deficits, according to the results of a new study, led by scientists at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and published ...

Medical research

Drug to treat malaria could mitigate hereditary hearing loss

The ability to hear depends on proteins to reach the outer membrane of sensory cells in the inner ear. But in certain types of hereditary hearing loss, mutations in the protein prevent it from reaching these membranes. Using ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'Buzzing' in ear alerted boy to very unwelcome visitor

(HealthDay)—The Connecticut 9-year-old knew something was wrong. Three days after a routine day in the school playground, he felt something "foreign" in his right ear and persistent buzzing noises.


Is tinnitus causing that ringing in your ear?

Have you ever experienced a constant ringing in your ears that you can't pinpoint the cause? It might be tinnitus ('tin-ni-tus) - the sensation of hearing a sound when no external sound is present. In most cases, tinnitus ...


Why you lose hearing for a while after listening to loud sounds

Loud sounds can impair hearing for a short time. Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have discovered a mechanism that explains how this happens. Their results are presented in the journal Proceedings of the National ...


Here's what music sounds like through an auditory implant

For some people with severe hearing loss, it is possible to restore their hearing with an auditory implant (also known as cochlear implants). These electronic devices are surgically implanted into the inner ear, converting ...

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