Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First molecular diagnostics for insecticide resistance in sandflies

A study led by LSTM identifies a potent molecular mechanism for insecticide resistance in the world's most medically-important sandfly species and develops DNA-diagnostics for monitoring future impact on visceral leishmaniasis ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Modern housing reduces malaria risk

Housing improvements could reduce malaria cases by half in some settings, according to research published in the open access Malaria Journal.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fighting malaria is going to take more than just nets

In January, the New York Times highlighted how insecticide treated nets meant to protect people from mosquitoes and malaria are now being used to haul fish in Africa. Among those using these nets to catch fish, hunger today ...


Two insecticides a risk for human nervous system: EU

The EU warned Tuesday that two widely used insecticides, one of which has been implicated in catastrophic bee population decline, may pose a risk to human health by harming brain development.

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