
Watchdog: Staff issues affect care at reservation hospitals

The internal watchdog of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services blames the often-substandard quality of care at hospitals serving Native Americans on outdated equipment and technology, lack of resources and difficulty ...


Review shows feds misstated Arizona insurance co-op results

A federal government analysis that said Arizona's health insurance co-op had gotten just a fraction of its projected enrollment last year missed thousands of signups and incorrectly showed the state nonprofit set up under ...


2.6 million 'inconsistencies' in federal insurance applications

(HealthDay)—Two new U.S. reports suggest it's possible that people who signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act on the federal government's health care website—or state websites in California and Connecticut—may ...


Watchdog: 900,000 vets may have pending health care requests

Nearly 900,000 military veterans have officially pending applications for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the department's inspector general said Wednesday, but "serious" problems with enrollment data ...


Seniors scrimp but still spend more for meds

Medicare recipients filled fewer prescriptions for pricey brand-name drugs—but spent more on such meds anyway, says a government report due out Monday. It blames rising manufacturer prices for squeezing older people and ...


Drugs vanish at some VA hospitals

Federal authorities are stepping up investigations at Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers due to a sharp increase in opioid theft, missing prescriptions or unauthorized drug use by VA employees since 2009, according ...


Medicare paid $1.5 billion to replace faulty heart devices

(HealthDay)—Medicare paid at least $1.5 billion over a decade to replace seven types of defective heart devices that apparently failed for thousands of patients, according to an article published Oct. 2 in The New York ...

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