Medical research

'Radiogenetics' seeks to remotely control cells and genes

It's the most basic of ways to find out what something does, whether it's an unmarked circuit breaker or an unidentified gene—flip its switch and see what happens. New remote-control technology may offer biologists a powerful ...

Medical research

Sensitive acid sensor controls insulin production

Many human metabolic functions only run smoothly if the acid level in the body remains neutral and stable. For humans, normal blood pH values lie between 7.35 and 7.45. By way of comparison, an empty stomach is extremely ...


Scientists identify third critical hormone in Type 2 diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—Working with mice and human blood and liver samples, scientists from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center have identified a previously unsuspected liver hormone as a critical player in the development of ...

Medical research

Targeting a cell cycle inhibitor promotes beta cell replication

Researchers replicated human pancreatic beta cells—which produce insulin—in a mouse model in which donor cells were transplanted. The newly replicated cells retained features of mature beta cells and showed a physiological ...


How fat could help solve part of the diabetes problem

The pancreas is a large organ that wraps around our gut, and produces the exact amount of insulin our bodies need when we eat – except when we start to develop diabetes, and insulin production slows down. Sydney scientists ...

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