
New survey of employers about the health insurance market

A new nationally representative survey of employers—the largest purchasers of health care in the country— shows that most are unfamiliar with objective metrics of health plan quality information. The survey, conducted ...


Competition keeps health-care costs low, researchers find

Medical practices in less competitive health-care markets charge more for services, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the National Bureau of Economic Research.


Health insurance may not be affordable for all

(HealthDay)—The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land, but it doesn't make health insurance affordable for everyone in the United States, a new study suggests.


More employers moving to high-deductible health plans

(HealthDay)—Many Americans with job-based health insurance will face costlier deductibles next year as more large employers embrace or expand so-called consumer-directed health plans, a new survey finds.


Feds cap fines for not buying health insurance

(AP)—Federal officials have capped the amount of money scofflaws will be forced to pay if they don't buy insurance this year under the new health care law.

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