Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 Multi-Omic Blood Atlas (COMBAT) published

A multi-disciplinary, cross-divisional collaborative team led by the University of Oxford has published a study defining hallmarks of COVID-19 disease severity. The team, led by Professor Julian Knight at the Wellcome Centre ...


Integrating health and social care: Seven steps for success

The widespread deaths of the elderly in care homes that occurred as a result of poor decisions by government at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, revealed the lack of knowledge about how the care sector works.


Pupillary light reflex can be inhibited by multisensory signals

Multisensory integration has been recently shown to produce a larger pupil size than unisensory constituents. Superior colliculus (SC), an important laminar nucleus in the midbrain, not only engages in spatial attention and ...


WHO spots problems at Russian vaccine plant

The World Health Organization said Wednesday it had uncovered problems at a Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine production site which Moscow insisted had been resolved.

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