Psychology & Psychiatry

People with Internet addiction react the worst when WiFi fails

Do you get frustrated and angry when your WiFi connection stops working? It could be because of your personality. When digital technology stops working, people with a fear of missing out (FOMO)—the anxiety that you're missing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smartphone addiction creates imbalance in brain

Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New framework could help online addicts reduce their usage

Research has shown that internet addicts do not always feel guilty about their usage, and in many cases, they do not even perceive their usage as problematic. A new model developed by researchers at Binghamton University, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is 'internet addiction' a misnomer?

A recent study by Phil Reed and colleagues provides some experimental evidence that internet addicts may be conditioned by what they view on the screen.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet addiction affects six percent of people worldwide

Internet addiction is an impulse-control problem marked by an inability to inhibit Internet use, which can adversely affect a person's life, including their health and interpersonal relationships. The prevalence of Internet ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can you be addicted to the internet?

A McMaster researcher is trying to understand how much time people spend online – and whether their habits pose a danger to their physical or mental health.

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