Psychology & Psychiatry

Does the KonMari method work for clinical hoarders?

Australia is the sixth-largest contributor of household waste per capita in the world. We spend more than $A10.5 billion annually on goods and services that are never or rarely used.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What parts of the brain make our personalities so unique?

The brain is key to our existence, but there's a long way to go before neuroscience can truly capture its staggering capacity. For now though, our Brain Control series explores what we do know about the brain's command of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Interpersonal communication key to daughters' well-being

When faced with adversity, humans make meaning of their experiences through storytelling. Scholars also have found that women, in particular, express their emotions through 'narrative sense-making' and relate to and support ...


Researchers shed light on why people trust

Trust matters whether it's love, money or another part of our everyday lives that requires risk, and a new study by a Dartmouth brain researcher and his collaborators sheds light on what motivates people to make that leap ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet addiction affects six percent of people worldwide

Internet addiction is an impulse-control problem marked by an inability to inhibit Internet use, which can adversely affect a person's life, including their health and interpersonal relationships. The prevalence of Internet ...


Learn how to recognize, intervene in domestic violence cases

As recently as 40 years ago, domestic violence often was not considered a crime, even by law enforcement and the judicial system. Victims had little or no resources to help them escape the violence aimed at them and their ...

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