Alzheimer's disease & dementia

'Smart patch' could be used to detect Alzheimer's

A leading Swansea University scientist has developed a new "smart patch" that can detect proinflammatory biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's) through the use of microneedle technology.

Medical research

Fighting bacterial infection with drug-eluting medical devices

Medical practitioners routinely outfit patients with devices ranging from cardiovascular stents, pacemakers, catheters, and therapeutic lenses to orthopedic, breast, dental, and cochlear implants and prostheses. These accessories ...


Healthy blood vessels may delay cognitive decline

High blood pressure may affect conditions such as Alzheimer's disease by interfering with the brain's waste management system, according to new research in rats published in JNeurosci. Maintaining blood vessel health could ...

Medical research

The fluid that feeds tumor cells

Before being tested in animals or humans, most cancer drugs are evaluated in tumor cells grown in a lab dish. However, in recent years, there has been a growing realization that the environment in which these cells are grown ...