Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

EMA has 'not yet reached conclusion' on AstraZeneca

The EU's drug regulator said Tuesday it is still deciding whether the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine causes blood clots, after one top official said there was a clear link.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Answer quickly to be believed

When people pause before replying to a question, even for just a few seconds, their answers are perceived to be less sincere and credible than if they had replied immediately, according to research published by the American ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eleven new studies suggest 'power poses' don't work

The claim that holding a "power pose" can improve your life became wildly popular several years ago, fueling the second most-watched TED talk ever but also casting doubts about the science behind the assertion.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ignorance is bliss when conducting witness interviews

Current investigative interviewing guidelines recommend interviewers review all available case information prior to questioning a witness. However, a recent study suggests prior case knowledge may actually be detrimental ...

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An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.

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