Medical research

Gut bacteria cooperate when life gets tough, new study says

Researchers of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have discovered with the help of computer models how gut bacteria respond to changes in their environment - such as a decrease ...

Medical research

In late post-surgical colon 'leaks,' finger points to microbes

Post-surgical leaks that develop after a segment of the colon has been removed and stitched back together often are caused not by negligence or technical error but by bacteria in the bowel that elude antibiotics, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Novel mechanism for Crohn's disease uncovered

Crohn's disease is one of a family of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). While it has already been proven to have genetic causes, scientists have now shown that the presence of certain intestinal bacteria also plays ...

Medical research

Gut microbial mix relates to stages of blood sugar control

The composition of intestinal bacteria and other micro-organisms—called the gut microbiota—changes over time in unhealthy ways in black men who are prediabetic, a new study finds. The results will be presented Friday ...

Medical research

You are what you eat: How gut bacteria affect brain health

The hundred trillion bacteria living in an adult human—mostly in the intestines, making up the gut microbiome—have a significant impact on behavior and brain health. The many ways gut bacteria can impact normal brain ...

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