Medical research

Blast exposure linked to intestinal problems

A study by New York and Rocky Mountain U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs researchers showed blast exposure can cause intestinal permeability, a condition that can lead to gut bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Polyphenol-rich diets improve leaky gut syndrome in the elderly

The increase of intestinal permeability is associated with factors such as aging, food allergies and intolerances and unhealthy diets. This alteration causes a reduction of the gut integrity barrier that triggers the transit ...

Medical research

Does dietary restriction protect against age-related leaky gut?

Flies eating a Spartan diet are protected from leaky gut and the systemic inflammation associated with it as they age. Conversely, flies on a rich Atkins-like diet are more prone to developing intestinal permeability, a condition ...

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