Oncology & Cancer

Two genes slow down the development of intestinal tumors

Benign intestinal tumors with mutations that delete or inactivate two particular tumor-suppressing genes develop more quickly towards cancerous forms, according to new research from the Crick.

Medical research

Tissue engineering: The big picture on growing small intestines

Babies born prematurely often face intense medical challenges, including intestines that are underdeveloped or diseased. While an intestine transplant can benefit some patients, many babies are simply too small to endure ...

Medical research

Biologists find a way to boost intestinal stem cell populations

Cells that line the intestinal tract are replaced every few days, a high rate of turnover that relies on a healthy population of intestinal stem cells. MIT and University of Tokyo biologists have now found that aging takes ...

Oncology & Cancer

How the immune system protects us against bowel cancer

Researchers at Universitätsmedizin Berlin have discovered a protective mechanism which is used by the body to protect intestinal stem cells from turning cancerous. The body's innate immune system was found to play a pivotal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cellular pumps protect the gut from toxins

The master regulators of gut stem cells, called intestinal myofibroblasts, have pumps that protect them, and thus the gut, from the toxic effects of a wide range of compounds, including the anticancer drug tamoxifen, according ...

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