
High-dose erythropoietin no benefit for extreme preemies

(HealthDay)—For extremely preterm infants, high-dose erythropoietin treatment from 24 hours after birth does not result in a reduced risk for severe neurodevelopmental impairment or death at age 2 years, according to a ...


eScooter-related injuries have increased over time

(HealthDay)—Electric motorized scooter (eScooter)-related injuries have increased over time and are frequently associated with alcohol and illicit substance use, according to research published online Aug. 29 in Trauma ...


Ultra-early neurological deterioration common in stroke

(HealthDay)—Ultra-early neurological deterioration (U-END) occurs in one in eight ambulance-transported patients with acute cerebrovascular disease and is associated with significantly worse outcomes, according to a study ...


Less than half of seniors with A-fib receive anticoagulants

(HealthDay)—Less than 45 percent of older adults with atrial fibrillation (AF) admitted to the hospital are prescribed an anticoagulant, according to a study published online Aug. 21 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics ...

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