Oncology & Cancer

Molecular imaging finds novel way to knock down breast cancer

For years researchers have been developing molecular imaging techniques that visualize hormonally active breast cancer cells—specifically those testing positive for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). A recent ...

Oncology & Cancer

Molecular breast imaging protocol unmasks more cancer

Patients with advanced breast cancer that may have spread to their lymph nodes could benefit from a more robust dose of a molecular imaging agent called Tc-99m filtered sulfur colloid when undergoing lymphoscintigraphy, a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Most breast cancer patients may not be getting enough exercise

Physical activity after breast cancer diagnosis has been linked with prolonged survival and improved quality of life, but most participants in a large breast cancer study did not meet national physical activity guidelines ...

Oncology & Cancer

Seemingly invincible cancers stem cells reveal a weakness

Metastatic cancer cells, which can migrate from primary tumors to seed new malignancies, have thus far been resistant to the current arsenal of anticancer drugs. Now, however, researchers at Whitehead Institute have identified ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study identifies how signals trigger cancer cells to spread

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have discovered a signaling pathway in cancer cells that controls their ability to invade nearby tissues in a finely orchestrated manner. The findings ...

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