Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer cells become invasive by changing their identity

Researchers from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a protein that determines the identity and invasive properties of breast cancer cells. The finding could lead to the development of new therapeutic and diagnostic ...

Oncology & Cancer

More women need to be screened for cervical cancer

Up to 30 per cent of Canadian women are not being regularly screened for cervical cancer, and the lapse is resulting in unnecessary cases of cervical cancer every year, say University of Alberta obstetrics and gynecology ...

Oncology & Cancer

High-risk HPV linked to improved survival in cervical cancer

The presence of the human high-risk papillomavirus (hrHPV) in the diagnosis of invasive cervical cancer is linked to a greatly improved prognosis compared to cases in which hrHPV cannot be identified in the tumour, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

For women with genetic risk, twice-a-year MRI beats mammograms

Getting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans twice a year instead of one annual mammogram is far more effective at detecting early breast cancers in young women with a high-risk genetic profile than mammograms alone, according ...

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