Oncology & Cancer

Older breast cancer patients defy survival models

Older women with early-stage, invasive breast cancer had better survival rates than what was estimated by a popular online tool for predicting survival, according to researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute.

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trial could lead to new bladder cancer drug

A bladder cancer drug tested in a University of Hawai'i Cancer Center clinical trial is getting closer to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. The new drug, an interleukin 15 superagonist complex (ALT-803), combined ...

Oncology & Cancer

New model helps predict breast cancer risk in Hispanic women

The first breast cancer risk-prediction model based entirely on data from Hispanic women, including whether a woman was born in or outside of the United States, provided a more accurate assessment of Hispanic women's risk ...

Oncology & Cancer

High-grade DCIS detection rates increase in older women

The mammography detection rate of an early-stage but potentially invasive type of breast cancer rises with age, according to a large new study from Germany published online in the journal Radiology.

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