
Visualizing a safe place reduces procedural pain

Visualising a safe place reduces operative pain, according to research presented today at EuroHeartCare 2014. Nurses guided patients into a trance and found it helped patients cope with pain and anxiety during ablation of ...


Taiwan bans cosmetic surgery for under-18s

Taiwan on Thursday banned "medically unnecessary" plastic surgery on under-18s in an attempt to protect beauty-obsessed youngsters who overlook the health risks of such procedures, officials said.


Necks, butts growth areas for U.S. plastic surgeons

(HealthDay)—Eyelid surgery and facelifts are up. So are butt augmentations and neck lifts, according to new figures from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons that show a steady increase in cosmetic and reconstructive ...


The nose knows in asthma

It has become increasingly clear in recent years that asthma comes in several variations, with different causes, different pathologies and different responses to therapy. These subtypes of asthma can be identified by knowing ...


New study to revolutionise indications for knee surgery

Finnish researchers have shown that one of the most common surgical procedures in the Western world is unnecessary. Keyhole surgeries of the knee are useless for patients whose knee complaints are due to joint abnormalities ...


Robot-inserted needles and catheters

Researchers at the UPM are involved in the design of a robotic arm for precise guidance of the insertion of needles, catheters and surgical instruments in procedures of minimally invasive surgery.


Procedure to open blocked carotid arteries tested

(Medical Xpress)—Doctors at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis are investigating a minimally invasive procedure to open blocked carotid arteries in patients whose poor health or advanced age makes the ...

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