
Gene therapy treats chronic pain by dialing down sodium

Researchers at NYU College of Dentistry's Pain Research Center have developed a gene therapy that treats chronic pain by indirectly regulating a specific sodium ion channel, according to a new study published in the Proceedings ...


Researchers describe a new way to visualize force-sensing neurons

A recent study by researchers at Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, and Scripps Research Institute has discovered fluorescent dye FM 1-43 as an effective and versatile tool to visualize PIEZO2 ion channel ...

Medical research

Beating seizures by jamming the cellular circuitry

Research at UC San Francisco has shown for the first time how the commonly prescribed seizure and pain medication, gabapentin, acts inside of cells, opening the door to new, more effective treatments for diseases like epilepsy ...


Researchers tackle major obstacle to stem-cell heart repair

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle have engineered stem cells that do not generate dangerous arrhythmias, a complication that has to date thwarted efforts to develop stem-cell therapies ...


Drug shown to alleviate autism-associated behavior in mice

The behavioral disorders observed in autism are associated with a multitude of genetic alterations. Scientists from the Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR) have now found another molecular cause for ...

Medical research

Researchers reveal an added layer of nuance in our sense of smell

The delicate fragrance of jasmine is a delight to the senses. The sweet scent is popular in teas, perfumes and potpourri. But take a whiff of the concentrated essential oil, and the pleasant aroma becomes almost cloying. ...


Treating gut pain via a Nobel prize-winning receptor

Targeting a receptor responsible for our sense of touch and temperature, which researchers have now found to be present in our colon, could provide a new avenue for treating chronic pain associated with gastrointestinal disorders ...

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