
Woman challenges Ireland's abortion ban at UN

An Irishwoman whose fetus bore a fatal heart defect has filed a United Nations petition against Ireland because the predominantly Catholic country outlaws abortions in such circumstances.


Ireland publishes bill on life-saving abortions (Update)

Ireland unveiled a long-awaited bill Wednesday that lays down new rules governing when life-saving abortions can be performed, a point of potentially lethal confusion for women in a country that outlaws terminations.


Genetic mother wins surrogacy lawsuit in Ireland

The genetic mother of twins born through a surrogate pregnancy has defeated the Irish government in a landmark lawsuit and won the right to be declared the mother on the children's birth certificates.


Ikea says no horsemeat in US meatballs

Ikea said Monday there was no horsemeat in its popular meatballs sold in the United States, after the Swedish furniture giant withdrew possibly horsemeat-tainted meatballs from stores in Europe.

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